“He looked at his own Soul with a Telescope.
What seemed all irregular he saw and shewed
to be beautiful Constellations; and he added
to the Consciousness hidden
worlds within world.”
—Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Notebooks
from Memories, Dreams and Reflections by C.G. Jung
Constellation Natural Medicine
In White Salmon, Washington
Constellation as the joining together of multiple discrete entities, such as the stars.
In my practice, this is twofold. My love of interweaving natural medicine modalities, and the ability to see a cohesive pattern emerge from a person’s myriad symptoms. Wholeness is always present in the many distinct parts.
I explore this in my practice through the different techniques I draw from in a session: acupuncture, osteopathic inspired bodywork and craniosacral, herbal medicine, homeopathy and astrology.
Each of these are forms of what I call pattern medicine. The most important piece of my work is to fully understand a person so that their natural pattern—of both balance and potential imbalance—comes into view.
This is achieved through process of simple presence and deep listening.
I envision the channels of energy we know as acupuncture meridians to be akin to the lines drawn between faraway stars to create patterns, images, mythological figures, stories and context of meaning. Humans are as pillars between sky and earth, and our stories are forms of poetry mirrored in our bodies.
We have the opportunity to embrace this in our lives, this dual purpose of embodiment and meaning making…